There's nothing special here

Davide Crudettiitalia65 min2022
Over the past 25 years 1.6 million young people have left the South of Italy. Peppino, Anna, Alessandro, Marco and Ginevra are among those who have decided to stay. There Is Nothing Special Here speaks about them, about what they are creating, about ancient ruins and rebirths.

There's nothing special here

Davide Crudettiitalia65 min2022


From the south to the north of Italy there is only a one-way street, a narrow one. From the south of Italy people usually leave. In the South, even nowadays, for many people a future away from home feels like the only option. Every year, entire territories and communities can’t do anything but watch inert thousands of young people leaving.

There Is Nothing Special Here starts from here to speak about the opposite. Peppino, Anna, Alessandro, Marco and Ginevra are between twenty and thirty years old, and their stories are the stories of people who choose to live in the South.
This a story about young people and ruins, about roots and the need to know the world, about tradition and identity. It is also a story about future, especially about future.

A story about those who believe in defending the right to imagine a future here, about those who want to put their heads together and try to do something for their community.

You can watch the film in the following languages:

The international tour of Qui non c'è niente di speciale - There's nothing special here, directed by Davide Crudetti and written with Paola Di Mitri, is made possible with the support of Ministero della Cultura and SIAE, as part of the #PerChiCrea (#pcc) program.

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Paola Di Mitri
autrice / autore

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